RBC Brewin Dolphin
Website: brewin.co.uk

RBC Brewin Dolphin is one of the UK’s leading wealth managers. Founded in 1762. They combine scale, experience and highly specialised expertise to manage your investments.
Managing clients’ investments in today’s fast-moving market can be time consuming and complex. Partnering with RBC Brewin Dolphin means they will take responsibility for tracking performance, ensuring regulatory compliance, and responding quickly to market events.
Active MPS | Sustainable MPS | Passive Plus MPS |
Cautious |
| Cautious |
Cautious Higher Equity |
| Cautious Higher Equity |
Income | Income | Income |
Income Higher Equity | Income Higher Equity | Income Higher Equity |
Balanced | Balanced | Balanced |
Growth | Growth | Growth |
Global Equity | Global Equity | Global Equity |
Access to expert research capabilities
Depth of research is key to adding value to client portfolios. RBC Brewin Dolphin’s in-house research team is the driving force behind their investment process. Their insight translates into powerful recommendations that deliver the best investment opportunities for clients.
A watchful eye on market surprises
When markets deliver surprises, RBC Brewin Dolphin can help keep us informed.
They respond quickly and decisively when the markets throw a curveball, taking a research-based view on portfolio adjustments and keeping us abreast of changes.
With their eyes firmly on the long game, you can rest assured your investments are being looked after calmly and rationally.
Active MPS
The RBC Brewin Dolphin Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) is a responsible investment management service comprised of seven investment portfolios that differ in their investment objectives and risk profiles. MPS provides fund management where a bespoke service may not be suitable via a range of managed portfolios selected by their award-winning research team. You can be sure your money will be diversified across a wide selection of different investments that are reviewed each month to ensure they continue to match your risk appetite and investment goals.
RBC Brewin Dolphin’s standard MPS service predominantly invests in actively managed funds, though they will include passive funds where they think it will benefit the portfolios in the long run, offering:
· Seven active model portfolios offering the breadth to provide you with a responsible investment solution that closely matches your goals, ambitions and attitude to risk.
· A strategic approach to investing money driven by their Asset Allocation Committee and in-house research team.
· Portfolios are tactically adjusted each month to reflect the Committee’s view on the most appropriate mix of assets to hold for a given investment objective and taking into account key changes in the market.
· Funds are selected on an independent best-of-breed basis: RBC Brewin Dolphin is not tied to any fund manager, bank or insurance company.
· Each portfolio has an independently assessed ESG score that measures the portfolio’s resilience to long term, industry material environmental, social and governance risks.
Passive Plus MPS
The debate about the relative merits of active versus passive funds continues unabated. RBC Brewin Dolphin do not have dogmatic views on the subject, recognising that there are benefits to both approaches. Their goal is to ensure you benefit from the most appropriate blend of active and passive investments where appropriate with the aim of delivering superior long-term returns while being mindful of cost. This thinking led to the creation of their Passive Plus MPS, a range of low cost portfolios. Passive Plus MPS delivers outstanding value by predominantly using lower-cost index funds to gain market exposure.
RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Passive Plus MPS service invests in predominantly lower-cost index funds, although they may include active funds where they think it will benefit the portfolios in the long run, offering:
· Seven portfolios each aligned to a specific investment objective and attitude to risk.
· Active asset allocation of lower-cost passive funds - investors benefit from the strategic approach they take to investing, driven by their Asset Allocation Committee and their in-house research team.
· Portfolios are tactically adjusted each month to reflect the Committee’s view on the most appropriate mix of assets to hold for a given investment objective and key changes in the market.
· Portfolios can hold unit trusts, OEICs and exchange-traded funds across the asset classes of equities, bonds and cash.
· A management fee of 0.20% (please see charges section below)
Sustainable MPS
RBC Brewin Dolphin believe high-quality companies that manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities well, will make attractive long-term investments. RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Sustainable MPS is an investment management service that offers a suite of diversified portfolios that meet a range of objectives and risk profiles, and which are aligned to their sustainable investment philosophy.
The primary objective of Sustainable MPS is to maximise returns from income and capital growth from a portfolio of funds that exclude exposure to certain controversial sectors. The portfolios will also seek exposure to companies that have a positive societal or environmental impact, which is subject to the primary objective being achieved.
· A choice of five risk-managed portfolios
· All funds are risk mapped against Defaqto, Dynamic Planner, EValue, Finametrica, Morningstar & Synaptic.
· Investments are underpinned by a rigorous selection process by their in-house Research Team and Asset Allocation Committee.
· ESG fully integrated
· Industry-leading engagement
· Strong transparency and reporting via MSCI and Sustainalytics
Rebalance schedule
Managed Portfolio Service | Brewin Dolphin
Active MPS: 0.30%
Sustainable MPS: 0.30%
Passive Plus MPS: 0.20%
Consumer Duty
Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here
Email: SalesSupport@brewin.co.uk
Tel: 0203 201 3520
Website: Work with us - DFM and MPS services | Brewin Dolphin
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