Rowan Dartington Intermediaries

Rowan Dartington Intermediaries is a division of Rowan Dartington which specialises in providing discretionary portfolio management exclusively to clients of financial advisers; providing a well-established proposition and a professional discretionary managed service to the financial advice proposition for more than 26 years.
Our Collective Portfolio Service
The Collective Portfolio Service comprises 6 risk graded portfolios in addition to an ethical portfolio, each having a different combination of the different assets classes, (i.e. cash, fixed interest, equities and alternatives such as property or commodities); with pre-defined risk allocations which align to industry recognised risk profiling tools. Individual stock selection and timing decisions are made by the investment team. A significant amount of due diligence and research is undertaken before making an individual investment selection. Each of the securities within the asset classes is then risk graded on various criteria and is ranked accordingly from one (lower) to five (higher).
Our Benefits
- All about you - Your clients have put their faith in you; we know exactly how important that is. That’s why we’ll never take anything for granted. We’ll always put you and your clients’ needs first.
- Proven performers - We’re rightly proud of the accolades we’ve picked up for our investment performance and services. As well as highlighting the quality of our research and expertise, it’s a reassuring sign that you can trust the quality, breadth and flexibility of our offering.
- Low costs, maximum return - Our disciplined investment process gives us access to stocks and funds from a variety of global sectors at very competitive rates. And the typically low Total Expense Ratios (TERs) speak for themselves.
- The power of technology - Staying ahead of the technological curve is vital to boosting efficiency. That’s why we developed our propriety portfolio management system. While we harness the power of technology, it’s always to support our experience, intellect and instincts, not rule them.
- Flexible and Dynamic - When it comes to choosing the most suitable investments, it can pay to play the field. That’s why we look at whole of market investment opportunities. By freeing your clients from the constraints of being tied to certain products or providers, you’ll know they’ll be able to seize the best opportunities available.
- Adventurous
- Balanced
- Defensive
- Ethical & Environmental
- Growth
- High Income
- Income
Rebalance schedule
The models are rebalanced quarterly, any ad hoc rebalances will take place when any changes are made to the models.
Annual Management Charge 0.335% + VAT
Administration Charge 0.330% +VAT
Contact details
Ryan Hughes, Head of Business Development:
0771 867 4160
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