Sarasin and Partners LLP

Sarasin & Partners LLP is known both as a market leader in thematic investment and for long-term income and dividend management across multi-asset and equity mandates. Consistent with a longer-term approach is a commitment to ‘stewardship’ principles, embedding environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into the investment process. Sarasin & Partners LLP is a London-based asset management group managing £14.7 billion for a wide range of clients including intermediaries, charities, institutions, pension funds and private clients. We believe in taking a long-term, global approach to investing, adopting a holistic view of the underlying financial performance of companies. This involves going beyond valuations to analyse environmental, social impacts and governance practices, to identify opportunities that will provide enduring value for our clients.
Our fundamental purpose is to deliver strong, long-term investment performance and exceptional client service. Our core values – such as integrity, innovation, passion and responsibility – are the guiding principles on which we perform our work and conduct ourselves. In an ever-changing world, they remain constant and form the foundation of everything we do.
The Sarasin Model Portfolio Service offers five highly-diversified portfolios designed to meet a range of client risk profiles. They have been built around a single core proposition: to preserve and grow the real value of your clients’ assets over time. Returns are generated through Sarasin’s renowned global thematic funds, complemented by ‘best-of-breed’ active managers and passive solutions.
The long-term target aims to exceed inflation by a defined amount (based on CPI) over a rolling five year period.
The Sarasin MPS has over 5 years of track record.
Each portfolio is independently risk-profiled by Distribution Technology and Defaqto, ensuring that they are managed within prescribed guidelines and easy to match to your clients' risk appetites.
Strategy (Equity neutral) | 20% | 40% | 60% | 80% | 100% |
Model Portfolios | Defensive | Cautious | Balanced | Growth | Equity |
Target Return | CPI+1.0% | CPI+2.0% | CPI+3.0% | CPI+4.0% | CPI+5.0% |
Defaqto Risk Ratings | 2 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 |
DFM Fee (incl.VAT) | 0.30% | 0.30% | 0.30% | 0.30% | 0.30% |
Rebalance Schedule
Typically rebalanced on a quarterly basis when our Investment Policy Committee meets and adjusts asset allocation as they see fit.
Annual charge of 0.25% + VAT. Total cost of ownership aims to fall between 0.60% and 0.80%.
Contact details
Ben Gilbert
Investment Manager
020 7038 7000
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