
Established in 1804, Schroders is a global asset manager operating in 37 locations around the world with over £570bn AUM as at 30th December 2020. Schroders has developed under stable ownership for over 200 years and long-term thinking governs our approach to investing, building client relationships and growing our business. At Schroders our goals are completely aligned with those of our clients - the creation of long-term value to assist them in meeting their future financial requirements.
Schroder Investment Solutions is focused on delivering strong outcomes for clients, leveraging Schroders' proven investment expertise, at a cost that can offer real value for money. The range offers a broad choice of model portfolios and multi-asset funds to suit clients across the full risk profile spectrum, along with a bespoke portfolio service. The model portfolios from Schroder Investment Solutions invest in the best ideas identified by the team from across the market. The Solutions will benefit from Schroders’ global resources, in particular:
- Schroders Economics Group provides economic outlook and analysis
- Schroders Multi-Asset Team consists of over 100 dedicated investment professionals with extensive experience in Multi-Asset investing, providing tools and expertise to define long-term strategic asset allocation.
Schroder Investment Solutions is designed to bring together your strengths and ours. We have the skills, experience and resources that you need to navigate today’s increasingly complex global financial markets and to successfully manage the risks and regulatory and administrative burdens associated with constructing and managing portfolios. This can give you more time to focus on enhancing client relationships and building your business.
Our model portfolios follow a rigorous and repeatable investment process that revolves around managing the risk in a portfolio with the client’s expectations alongside their financial plan. We have four key investment strategies, each managed according to the client’s attitude to risk, these are:
- Active
- Sustainable
- Strategic Index
- Income
Offering a range of risk mapped solutions, each portfolio can map to the client’s attitude to risk and therefore ensures that we manage the client’s investments in line with their risk expectations. All the portfolios are managed to the same outcome per risk profile to meet the client’s expectations. However, due to the inherently different investment styles, the investment journey will differ depending on the strategy selected. We provide our clients with a choice of investment styles to reach their investment outcome which is aligned to their expectations on risk.
The range is available across a variety of platforms.
Rebalance Schedule
Quarterly rebalancing to strategic asset allocation.
Contact details
Gillian Hepburn
Intermediary Solutions Director
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