Square Mile Investment Services Ltd
Website: www.squaremileresearch.com

Our bespoke Managed Portfolio Service is designed to meet the specific needs of your business to allow you to both differentiate yourself and to de-risk your business from an operational and a regulatory perspective. We will work together to identify suitable investment mandates that will deliver the desired outcomes.
Our Managed Portfolio Service is designed specifically for financial adviser firms to work in partnership with Square Mile to meet the aspirations, outcomes and attitude to risk (ATR) of their clients whether this is capital accumulation, income, capital preservation or inflation protection. We are agnostic on both ATR/SAA tools that you use to define suitability and the platforms upon which you might ask us to operate. Our aim is always to build a service to suit your business, rather than asking your business to change to suit our proposition.
Working with Square Mile will enable you to form a truly independent partnership that not only reduces your operational and regulatory risk but allows you to enhance the service and efficiency that you provide to your clients. We work with you to agree your mandates to produce a range of portfolios that have been put together using carefully selected funds from our Academy of Funds. Our promise to you is to provide the best support that fits with your business, while you retain control of client relationships and your central investment proposition.
Bespoke to each adviser business
Rebalance schedule
Bespoke to each adviser business
By negotiation and dependent on volume. No VAT
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