Tatton Investment Management
Website: www.tattoninvestments.com/

Tatton Investment Management Limited was launched in 2013 and is the market leading Managed Portfolio Service DFM in the UK, managing over £19.57 billion of assets (as at March 2024). Our sole focus is investment management and we believe in the importance of high-quality financial advice. Therefore, we partner with Financial Advisers who are seeking an investment manager that can provide them with the investment services they need to meet their clients’ needs. Tatton is not a traditional wealth management firm that has adapted its business to work with Financial Advisers – we are a business designed to benefit the advice sector and place it at the heart of its product and service development. Since our formation, we have helped drive down the cost of discretionary investment management in the UK, in particular through the fees charged by MPS providers. We take great pride that the average cost of MPS is now only around 50% more than our 0.15% fee, when 11 years ago it was more than double, and in many cases three
times as much. The team at Tatton are immensely proud to have won numerous awards such as Best Discretionary Fund Manager, the Best Investment Service Provider and the Best Outsourced Investment Management through the votes of Financial Advisers and Paraplanners not judging panels – the strongest endorsement of our founding principles of sustainable repeatable investment performance, lowering investment costs and improving service standards.
Our Managed Portfolio Service pioneered client access to discretionary fund management. Available across all leading investment platforms and compatible with leading risk profilers. With a fee of 0.15% per annum across all strategies it has helped establish Tatton as the Financial Advisers’ investment manager.
- Tatton Managed: The Tatton Managed Portfolios are predominantly constructed from actively managed funds. We select managers with strategies most aligned with our market view of the global economy that allow the potential for portfolio gains within a chosen level of risk.
- Tatton Core: The Tatton Core Portfolios are a hybrid mix of passive and actively managed funds effectively blending returns from the two strategic approaches. This hybrid approach reduces the cost of investing through the use of passive funds.
- Tatton Tracker: The Tatton Tracker Portfolios are constructed from passive funds. The portfolios are managed in the same way as our other portfolios and following the same geographical and asset allocation strategies, with the exception of using passive rather than actively managed funds. Passive funds have lower charges meaning the Tatton Tracker portfolios have the lowest costs of any of our portfolios.
- Tatton Money Market: The Tatton Money Market risk profile offers clients the potential to receive a return on cash that tracks the Bank of England base rate more closely, than most instant access UK bank deposit accounts. We believe that for many clients the main driver for moving assets is making more money, not the security of the provider, such as a bank, therefore providing the potential for a ‘don’t have to do anything for the same return’ alternative is attractive and offers value.
- Tatton Ethical: A range of ethical portfolios that allow investors to have their entire portfolio managed under the ethical considerations that they care about. We combine negative and positive screening to give clients peace of mind that their investments not only align with their principles, but also generate investment returns in line with their risk profiles.
- Tatton Income: The Tatton Income Portfolios seek to generate reliable income and capital growth to ensure asset values stay in line with inflation. The portfolios are managed in the same way as our other portfolios and following the same asset allocation strategies, with the exception of using income generating share classes of actively managed funds.
- Tatton Bespoke Portfolio Service: Our Bespoke Portfolio Service is a discretionary investment portfolio service tailored around an investor’s specific investment requirements.
- Tatton Funds: Our funds offer a straightforward and cost-effective investment option for a broad range of investors are built using the same robust investment process as our discretionary portfolios.
- Tatton Blended Funds: Five risk rated funds with the same asset construction as our Managed Portfolios.
- Tatton Passive Funds: Five risk rated funds with the same asset construction as our Managed Portfolios.
Rebalance schedule
Tatton rebalances when the investment team considers it necessary. Typically we rebalance four to five times per year.
Managed Portfolio Service:
Annual Management Charge of 0.15% for all portfolios.
Contact details
Justine Randall
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