Thesis Asset Management Limited

Thesis provides discretionary investment management for individuals, charities and trustees through our personal investment portfolio and model portfolio services. With approximately £13 billion under management and over 40 years experience, Thesis has a proven track record. But it’s not what we do that’s different; it’s how we do it.
Our collectives model portfolios (1-7) on the Aviva platform aim to meet the investment objectives of our seven risk rated mandates, ranging from low/ moderate risk through to high risk. Each model portfolio holds underlying assets which have been carefully selected and blended to meet the long term objectives for that particular mandate. The model portfolios invest mainly into a portfolio of diversified funds. Model factsheets are updated monthly and contain a list of current holdings, these can be found on the Thesis website.
Rebalance schedule
The seven model portfolios are rebalanced quarterly on 15th (or next working day) of February, May, August, November.
0.3% + VAT
Contact details
Gareth Besley, Business Development Support Manager:
01483 406123
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