Timeline Portfolios Ltd
Website: www.timeline.co

Timeline empowers Financial Advisers. Our best-in-class planning technology and portfolio management enable you to deliver exceptional value to your clients - on your terms!
Our service provides low-cost, evidence-based discretionary portfolio management services, exclusively to financial planners. With Timeline's Turnkey Model Portfolio Service, financial planning firms can access a range of services that enables them to focus on delivering core financial planning and behavioural coaching to clients, while delegating time-consuming tasks, such as research, portfolio construction, rebalancing, performance analysis and tax optimisation to a third-party.
Timeline's vision is to offer low-cost institutional level portfolios designed to capture the global market return over the long-term, whilst eliminating unnecessary costs, inefficiencies, and anxiety for firms and their clients. Our robust and disciplined approach to investing is founded upon Nobel Prize-winning academic research and harnesses sophisticated tools to properly test investment solutions.
ESG Classic
ESG Tracker
Rebalance schedule
Model portfolios are relanced based on tolerance rules. Currently, the tolerance level is set at 10% and, therefore, a rebalance will take place once the models drift beyond this level.
0.09% per annum.
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