Vintage Asset Management

Vintage Asset Management is an independent and boutique discretionary fund management company which offers a range of model portfolios through a suite of six risk-rated Active strategies, three risk-targeting Sustainable Future strategies and three low cost risk-targeting Passive strategies.
The ethos of our business is the provision of high quality investment management services with a focus on strong relationships with both advisors and clients. We construct portfolios for each mandate with a diversified range of funds with daily liquidity, which we rebalance on a quarterly basis or on an ad hoc basis if deemed desirable. We have an emphasis on smoothing returns for each Active mandate which we benchmark against a specific target return based on a rolling three-year return net of charges, which we believe can be easier for clients to understand than some of the more complex benchmarks in the market.
Our investment approach is to use experience, hard work and common sense in the analysis of economies, markets, sectors, stocks and shares. We invest over the long-term while being flexible in the shorter-term and we place an emphasis on investments that can provide resilience at times of market weakness. The portfolio uses collective funds whose broad remit serves to diversify risk while also having portfolios that are diversified themselves: our policy is to invest no more than 5% into a single actively-managed fund. We are willing to hold substantial amounts of cash in portfolios if circumstances dictate, including the use of money market funds.
Active range: Cautious, Cautious Balanced, Balanced, Balanced Income, Balanced Growth, Growth
Sustainable Future: Cautious, Balanced, Growth
Passive: Cautious, Balanced, Growth
Rebalance schedule
Quarterly, or ad hoc as required
0.15% to 0.30%, with no VAT
Consumer Duty
Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here
Contact details
Edward Hands, Investment Director
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