Walker Crips
Website: www.walkercrips.co.uk

Walker Crips’ Model Portfolio Service (“MPS”) consists of carefully selected investments at reasonable price points, designed to provide a simplified and streamlined investment experience. The portfolios are Defaqto risk rated allowing them to fit seamlessly into advisers’ client profiling.
Our Central Investment Team leverages its knowledge and expertise to develop the criteria for each portfolio; employing a rigorous approach when selecting the underlying benchmarks and parameters for ready-to-invest MPS portfolios. The committee reviews risk ratings according to prevailing market conditions and economic environments, ensuring the appropriate asset allocations for the MPS.
The MPS portfolios are composed of all major asset classes (cash, fixed interest, property, UK and global equities, and alternatives) with the weightings of each dependent on the risk profile of the model. The team carefully selects assets from market landscapes to create complimentary clusters, resulting in well diversified portfolios, across risk ranges.
Rebalance schedule
The portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis to prevent ‘portfolio drift’ and keep the allocation close to their objectives. This will reflect the team’s views on market and investment opportunities.
0.3% AMC + VAT
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