Waverton Investment Management
Website: waverton.co.uk

Waverton Investment Management (originally founded as J O Hambro Investment Management in 1986) is an independent investment management house, dedicated to providing a high-quality service for your clients. Our resources are focused on achieving one aim - generating superior investment return for your clients. We are single-minded in our approach - dovetailing with the financial and tax planning advice provided by financial planners.
The Waverton model portfolios are available exclusively to clients of financial planners to provide a cost-effective and efficient means of investment:
- Portfolio range for a wide variety of risk profiles
- Real return investment objectives
- Diversified investment in a variety of asset classes
- Defined risk and volatility parameters
- Expertise in alternative assets
- Available through the majority of investment platforms
- Risk rated by Defaqto; Dynamic Planner; Synaptic Risk
- DFM rated by Rayner Spencer Mills Research
Model portfolio | Indicative long term return |
Waverton Growth | CPI+3.5% |
Waverton Balanced | CPI+3.0% |
Waverton Cautious | CPI+2.5% |
Waverton Defensive | CPI+2.0% |
Waverton Conservative | CPI+1.5% |
Rebalance schedule
The Waverton Asset Allocation Committee meet every six weeks and a rebalance at asset allocation level may follow that meeting if a change in asset allocation is recommended by the Committee.
The portfolio manager may also decide to rebalance the asset allocation on an ad hoc basis to bring the asset class weightings to the Waverton recommended levels. This will be on an occasional basis and may follow, for example, a period of strong equity markets which have driven our equity weightings significantly above the level recommended by the Waverton Asset allocation Committee.
In terms of the underlying holdings, these are held within the four OEIC structure and are constantly reviewed and, where necessary, sold or rebalanced according to the Waverton outlook and our judgement of the prospects for the underlying holding.
The Waverton annual management charge (AMC) is 0.4% per annum. This is not subject to VAT.
Consumer Duty
Fair Value and Target Market information can be found here
Contact details
For further information please visit our website:
Or contact Julian Polnik Tel: 0207 484 7419 Email: jpolnik@waverton.co.uk
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