Whitechurch Securities Ltd
Website: www.whitechurch.co.uk

Whitechurch Securities Ltd is an independent investment management firm with over 35 years’ experience of wealth management. We provide services exclusively to Financial Advisers who maintain the client relationship, whilst our fully qualified investment team take full responsibility for the construction, active management and administration of your investment portfolio. We offer award winning investment services, ranging from low entry model solutions to bespoke solutions, with clearly defined risk profiling. This includes: Dynamic Planner ratings available on a wide range of models, performance and Due Diligence independently assessed by Asset Risk Consultants (ARC). Ethical investment solutions are available across our range of portfolios with a three year performance record. Portfolios are administered in-house or on Platform with transparent and competitive charges and we have a dedicated team working closely with Financial Advisers.
Dynamic balanced, Dynamic cautious, Dynamic defensive, Dynamic growth, Dynamic steady growth.
Whitechurch PMS Ethical Balanced
Whitechurch Prestige Ethical I&G Risk 4-7
Dynamics 0.20% + VAT
Whitechurch PMS Ethical Balanced 0.35% + VAT
Whitechurch Prestige Ethical range 0.40% + VAT
Contact details
Catriona Evans, Business Development Operations Manager:
Direct Line: 0117 452 1216
Head Office: 0117 452 1206
Email: catriona.evans@whitechurch.co.uk
Phil Miller, Business Development Manager
Mobile: 07880 385457
Head Office: 0117 452 1206
Email: Phil.Miller@whitechurch.co.uk
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