Support to help protect your clients from Fraud
Fighting fraud
Fraud is a problem at any time. When people are particularly vulnerable (such as now), its impact is even more devastating. Fraudsters are even using Covid-19 to scam people out of their money. Now more than ever, we need to be on our guard.
Tell us what you spot
We’ve set up a scam reporting service, which anyone can use to notify us of suspected fraud. We believe we’re one of the first insurers to launch an online reporting tool which allows people to actively report suspected fraudulent activity in order to receive personal guidance on what action to take. We’re particularly interested in Aviva-branded fraud attempts, but we welcome any accounts of suspicious activity. We know no one is immune to a fraud attack so we want to make sure no attempt slips through the net.
We’re investigating
We’ll ask customers to fill in a form giving details of the possible scam. The attempted fraud can be via any form of communication, but for all cases the more information you can give the better. All the reports will be passed onto our Financial Crime Intelligence Unit, who will investigate every case.
Find out more
There’s lots more information on ways to spot and prevent fraud – just head over to our Fraud Hub. We have advice on keeping safe online, what to do if an offer seems too good to be true and other ways to identify a potential fraud attempt. You will also find details of what we’re doing to protect our customers.