Six years of smooth investing within an onshore bond
On 18th February 2019, we launched the Smooth Managed Life Fund with a vision of delivering steady, long-term growth while providing clients a smoother, less volatile investment experience.
Today, we look back and reflect on the six years of the fund, by understanding a client's journey over the estimated 1,527 working days of trading.
Transcript for video 6 years of the Smooth Managed Life Fund S4
We designed our Smooth Managed Fund range to create a resilient, adaptive solution to navigate market challenges.
Our life fund has used our unique "smoothing" process to find stability during periods of market volatility, like the Covid pandemic and geopolitical tensions.
Help manage your clients' risk and reach their financial goals with Aviva's Smooth Managed Fund range. Available on our onshore bonds.
Past performance is not a guide to the future, any product charges and adviser fees would reduce the amount received.
If we look at the chart, there were only four days on which we couldn't apply a positive daily increase due to the market conditions. This highlights the resilience and consistency of our fund design and its ability to navigate challenging market conditions while delivering long-term value to your clients.
Crafting our fund’s future
At Aviva, we’re committed to building solutions that stand the test of time. When we designed the Smooth Managed Fund, our goal was clear: create a resilient, adaptive solution to navigate market challenges and meet evolving client needs. So, six years on, has it been delivered?
Global diversification and active management through Aviva Investors have been crucial. Despite being a risk rated 5 solution, the fund's net performance has been highly comparable to the ABI mixed investment 40 to 85% sector. That's a real testament to its flexibility and strong governance.
Baylee Wakefield, Portfolio Manager, Multi-Asset, Aviva Investors
We’re proud to celebrate another significant milestone in the success of our Smooth Managed Fund range. We hope many more advisers view this as a trusted and credible solution on the Aviva advised platform, supporting clients throughout their financial life stages.
Thank you for sharing this incredible journey with us. Here’s to many more years of smoothing client returns.
Alan Thompson, Investment Development Manager, Aviva
*The ABI Pension Mixed sector is included for performance comparison purpose. It is not a benchmark but is a proxy for non-smoothed mixed asset funds.