Consumer Duty: Practical views from Aviva and SimplyBiz

In this three-part series, host Kris Armstrong, Compliance Policy Manager, SimplyBiz is joined by Sandy McGregor, Head of Policy, SimplyBiz and Alistair McQueen, Head of Savings and Retirement at Aviva to discuss the practical implications of Consumer Duty for advisers and providers up and down the distribution chain. How have responsibilities changed, do communications need to evolve across the distribution chain or is it just more of the same?

Part 1: Evolving responsibilities across the distribution chain

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Transcript  for video Part 1: Evolving responsibilities across the distribution chain

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Part 2: Identifying value for money

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Transcript  for video Part 2: Identifying value for money

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Part 3: Consumer Duty, is it more of the same?

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Transcript  for video Part 3: Consumer Duty, is it more of the same?

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Visit the Aviva Consumer Duty Hub here.