A guide to transfers on the Aviva Platform

The Aviva Platform accepts both cash and in specie transfers. In case you’re not familiar with the term 'in specie', an in specie transfer is one where assets move from another provider to Aviva without needing to be changed. This is opposed to a cash transfer, where assets are first sold with the proceeds then moving to Aviva.

You can also transfer in bulk using our Client and Asset Transition Service, where we provide a comparison of fees between the ceding provider and Aviva. This includes platform fees, fund charges and ongoing adviser charges.

To help you decide whether to do a cash or in specie transfer, we’ve put a guide together that takes you through their differences and how to do them on the Aviva Platform, so you can weigh up the pros and cons of each apporach. 

The guide also covers:

  • In specie transfers containing models
  • Different use cases
  • How we deal with limitations 

Want to find out more? 

Read our guide on cash and in specie transfers