Red Apple Law Legal Services

Introducing Red Apple Law Legal Services

Red Apple Law form part of the Trust Inheritance Group. They've been providing legal services for more than 30 years and during this time, have helped more than 300,000 people write their Wills or to plan for their family's futures. They also support around 6,000 families annually to understand and complete their next steps during bereavement.

The following Red Apple Law legal services are available to your client's employees whether they're insured under their employer’s Group Life policy or not. They're also available to their spouse or partner.

These services are non-contractual benefits Aviva can change or withdraw at any time. Terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy can be viewed through the Red Apple Law website.

Life Planning Services

Life Planning Services include Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorney, Living Will and My Final Wishes

Will Writing

A Will ensures your money, property and possessions go to the right people when you pass away. Through planning ahead and writing a Will your client's employees will have the peace of mind that, when the time comes, their wishes will be carried out in exactly the way they’ve chosen, and they’ll have done all they can to make life as easy as possible for those they leave behind.

The Will Writing service is an optional paid for service

The online, telephone and video Will Writing service is available to residents of England, Wales and Scotland. It’s not available to residents of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. There’s limited availability for telephone and video Will Writing and no availability for online Will Writing for residents of Northern Ireland.

Lasting Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) allows an employee to appoint Attorneys to make decisions on their behalf should they become unable to. An Attorney is a person who they trust to make decisions which are in their best interest.  An LPA is mainly used if they don’t have the mental capacity to understand and make decisions themselves.

There are two different types of LPA:

  1. Property and Financial
  2. Health and Welfare

An LPA is an optional paid for service.

The online, telephone and video LPAs are available to residents of England, Wales and Scotland. They’re not available to residents of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. There’s limited availability for telephone and video LPAs and no availability for online LPAs for residents of Northern Ireland.

Living Will

A Living Will, sometimes referred to as an Advance Directive, is a way in which an employee can let medical professionals know their decisions about what medical treatment they would and would not like to receive, should there come a point that their unable to express this information themselves. This can help their loved ones when needing to make a very difficult decision at a hard time.

A Living Will is an optional paid for service

A Living Will is legally binding in England and Wales – but not legally binding in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man. However, in Northern Ireland, a clear and specific advance decision is given legal effect under common law, meaning a healthcare professional must follow it if they know about it. If a healthcare professional has been advised to follow the decision of a Living Will and becomes aware one exists, this does then make it legally binding.

My Final Wishes

The My Final Wishes package has been designed by Bereavement Counsellors and Life Planning professionals to:

  • give employees peace of mind making it easy to share plans with family and loved ones
  • bring emotional comfort to family and loved ones during bereavement
  • give practical support to family and loved ones by providing answers to hundreds of decisions, when they need them

My Final Wishes is an optional paid for service.

Happy family four, mum, dad, son and daughter swinging from parents arms

What’s available?

Within My Final Wishes your client's employees will find the following tools:

  • Personal Messages – leave messages for loved ones – this can include written notes, videos or photographs
  • Funeral Wishes – an employee can plan their funeral and any final wishes ahead of time, for example tell their Trusted People which readings and music they would like. They can change this as many times as they need to by going in and updating their Funeral Wishes
  • Digital Assets – an employee can provide loved ones with information and instructions around what they would like to do with their online presence after they’ve passed away.
  • Premium Document Folder – with premium online document storage, an employee can arrange their important documents into into folders to help them stay organised day-to-day, and to make things easier for their loved ones to access in future.

My Final Wishes is available to permanent residents of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It's not available to residents of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

Legal Helpline

The Legal Helpline is a telephone call back service which provides access to advice and guidance from a legal expert and is free to use. Whether an employee is looking for legal guidance in relation to buying or selling a home, making plans for their loved ones through writing a Will or managing an inheritance; or maybe they have questions about divorce or co-habiting – this service could help them.

The helpline can also provide guidance on accident and personal injury implications or their rights and restrictions when someone they love loses capacity. They can rest assured that through this service, support is available during many of life’s more serious moments.

The Legal Helpline may suggest some additional services that could also be helpful – some of these services may charge a fee.

The Legal Helpline is available to employees if they're a permanent resident of Great Britain. If they’re a resident of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, a Legal Helpline is available, but the services may be limited. Red Apple Law will place the advice required with a trusted partner at their time of need, however the same timescales as agreed under the UK Legal Helpline cannot be guaranteed.

Estate Administration

The Estate Administration service offers different levels of support, depending on an employee’s needs. It includes a free online legal tool which provides step-by-step guidance to help manage and complete practical tasks and legal duties when someone has passed away. It helps them get everything they need in one place and save money by completing Estate Administration themselves, while giving them the security of knowing they haven’t missed a thing. If they’d prefer not to do everything themselves, they can choose to hand over some or all the work to a regulated professional – fees will apply depending on the level of support they would like. In addition, they can access free online professional Grief Support and an online Bereavement Guide at any time through their dashboard.

The free online Estate Administration tool is available to residents of England, Scotland, and Wales. Additional support and services are available for those who choose not to proceed online. Any services outside of the free on line Estate Administration tool are available to anyone who holds UK assets. If they choose to proceed with support outside of the free on line Estate Administration tool, charges will apply depending on the level of support they choose. Any chargeable services will be made clear to them before they proceed.

How can I find out more about the Red Apple Law legal services?

To find out more about the Red Apple Law legal services, please speak with your Aviva Account Manager.