We've got your clients covered
Aviva's menu of protection helps your clients understand why protection matters, and how our comprehensive selection of products can help serve peace of mind.
Helping meet your clients' needs
Our products offer some flexibility, meaning your client gets to put themselves first when it comes to their protection.
Health and Wellbeing
When your client takes out a protection policy with us, excluding Simple Life Insurance, they'll have access to health and wellbeing services via the Aviva DigiCare+ app.
Optional add-ons
Clients can add Global Treatment and Fracture Cover, at an extra cost, to any of their choices.
The menu of protection toolkit

Aviva's shield of protection
Use our shield of protection tool to help give your clients a better understanding of the choices on the menu, what each option means, and why it matters.
Optional add-ons
Your clients can choose to add extra benefits to their cover for an additional premium.

Global Treatment
If one of your clients or their children were to become seriously ill, you know they’d want the option to be treated at the best hospitals in the world, by the leading medical experts for their condition. That's what Global Treatment offers your clients and their families.

Fracture Cover
Pays a one-off sum if your client suffers from one of 18 specified fractures during a 12-month period.
Additional benefits
The Aviva DigiCare+ app can help your clients prevent, detect and manage common health and wellbeing concerns.

Aviva DigiCare+
Aviva DigiCare+ has a range of health and wellbeing benefits from third party providers, including an annual health check, remote GP appointments, mental health and nutrition support. Worth over £900 a year, your clients can choose to use these benefits, plus many more, at no extra cost.
Aviva DigiCare+ is a non-contractual benefit Aviva can change or withdraw at any time. Terms and conditions and residency restrictions apply.
Discover the real difference of individual protection from our menu of videos
Transcript for video Mick's story - income protection claim and rehabilitation support
Rob: Mick, you've been on a real journey. Do you mind just telling us a little bit about how life was looking for you.
Mick: Yeah, sure. I guess before it happened, leading up to the age of 50, I had very active life. I was a commercial manager. I loved sport, so I'd play anything I could. Mainly football. I guess I've been having a few back initial issues. And then at 50, it was a go karting day out, so I joined in, after 45 minutes on it, I was in severe pain, agonizing pain.
A consultant back specialist advised me that a back operation might be the answer to remove the herniated disc. It was a real turning point. I got to about 56, 57. I did a lot of walking and my back went. And then it was go back, see the consultant. He gave me the bad news that the operation I had before was not possible this time round.
You now have to manage the situation. Over the next couple of years I kept trying to work full time, but I spiralled down physically, mentally. And I got to the point where I just had to say, that's enough, I'm stopping work. So I went to my pension adviser, and she advised me, I have this income protection policy, which I've forgotten.
At which point one, the financial support was amazing because it gave me a greater degree of feeling I was supporting the family and I had an income. But then they moved on to the medical support, which was amazing.
Rob: The claims case manager at the time suggested we might be able to help and whether there was any extra support through one of our suppliers Working to Wellbeing. Do you mind just perhaps telling us a little bit about what they did for you and how that's helped.
Mick: Yeah, they were brilliant. The case manager, was, superb and she put me at ease straight away. She explained that as part of the policy, I could get support with physiotherapy, and with my mental health. They basically looked at CBT, which they help me with my, ongoing depression and drew me out of that, giving me the tools both physically and mentally to start coming out of that deep low in my life. And then over a period I was able through the assistance of Aviva, the physiotherapy support and the exercises they gave me to do, get me back to working. And then they suggested I try walking football. My wife said, I've never seen you so happy. I said, it was brilliant. I've got something back that I love doing.
Rob: When you took up the walking football, something happened during that that then that would be provided we extra support for you?
Mick: Yes. I ruptured my Achilles and of course that reinforced the fact that I'm so glad I've got some support here financially, medically, to get me through this. So again, I was put on a another series of physiotherapy, how to get through this, how to keep working, get me back to work very quickly.
Rob: Obviously, you took this policy out a number of years ago and at the time what was your reason for taking it?
Mick: The reason for taking it at the time was because I had a young family, a huge mortgage. And of course, you look at the risks and I think most people would like to get, cover for the what ifs in life.
Rob: Do you mind just telling us perhaps a little bit about what perhaps you felt life would have looked like had you, if not had the income protection policy now?
Mick: I dread to think, to be honest, without that, I couldn't see a way out. So with the medical support and the income support, I was able to find a way out, which I don't think I would have had if I hadn't have at that policy.
So yeah, it was life saving for me, I think. I mean, it's just it's a cushion and it was enough to see me through the pain and, help me feel like also that I am providing for the family. I'm working now albeit part time, I'm seeing people, I’m back playing walking football, so I'm in a very fortunate position. Yeah, I, I dread to think where I'd have been if I hadn't have had this policy.
So looking back, it was probably the best thing I've ever done.
Transcript for video Emma's story - Critical illness claim
Emma: I went for the results, and the consultant’s first words when I sat down in the office were, “I’m really sorry. It’s not good news.”
Emma: I'm Emma, I'm a children's nurse. I’m currently working in education. I have grown-up children 23 and 25, and I'm currently undergoing treatments for lobular breast cancer.
Emma: I had some lumps in my breast. I had an operation to remove what they thought was three fibroadenomas. They'd removed the fibroadenomas, but they'd found invasive lobular carcinoma.
Emma: That was a big shock because I really wasn't expecting that. My second operation was planned. It was quite an extensive operation, but unfortunately, when I got the results of that one, they'd found five different tumours, quite a lot more cancer than they had expected. They'd also found that it was in my sentinel lymph nodes. I had to have a mastectomy and they checked some more lymph nodes, again, not expecting them to be positive, but there were a couple that were positive.
Emma: I started chemo, and then I'll still need some radiotherapy and I’ll need some hormone therapy, probably more long-term. This was all quite a lot because originally, I was told I'd need about eight weeks off work. I looked at my critical illness insurance. Your head is in a spin with everything going on, but that was the one thing that looked positive.
Emma: There's not very many positives about being diagnosed with breast cancer, and there's so many worries that you have, but actually, this was something that I could do actively. The claim process was really easy. When the claim was paid, it was a lot of relief. I was very lucky, and I get good sick benefit, I get six months full pay, six months half pay, but I realized that I would probably be going to half pay. And actually, having my mortgage paid was a complete relief.
Emma: Chronic illnesses take a long time. You need the cover, to cover you while you're ill. It's an expense you can't afford not to take. But I'm just so grateful that we bought that policy.
Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum and is designed to help support you and your family financially.
It’s there to help you focus on your recovery without worrying about how the bills will be paid.
You can choose how long you want the policy to last and the amount of money you’re covered for.
Your financial adviser can explain how Aviva’s critical illness works and when it would pay out.
Transcript for video Marlena's DigiCare+ Story
So my name’s Marlena, and I’m 25 years old, I am a Protection Adviser and I have been advising now for just over 5 years.
I speak to my clients every single day, why they need protection and why it’s so important and one day I just thought Marlena you need to take your own advice.
Because when you are fit and healthy you just never know if it’s going to stay that way or if something’s going to happen in the future.
Usually I’m quite bubbly, I’m really outgoing, I love socialising, going out with my friends. But I just started to feel more run down.
Um, so I did think actually this is not like me. So I turned to my Doctors and I told them the symptoms that I was feeling. So, one of the symptoms was, you know, migraines, nosebleeds, just feeling like you’ve got no energy whatsoever even though I’ve just woken up.
But they did kind of say, have you considered long Covid but I just felt within myself no, this is just not right how I’m feeling so I did turn to my Aviva policy for support.
So within my policy, I’ve got an amazing benefit called DigiCare+ which includes a lot of benefits such as annual health check, a private doctors appointment and also dietician sessions.
But I just thought to myself, actually the main one that I need is the annual health check, first, which is a really quick finger prick test, and then after that I’ve had a full report come back to me within days which showed me exactly what potentially could be wrong.
And I went on my app and really quickly I managed to get an appointment, which was a video appointment with a Doctor and they were able to explain to me what the results meant.
Probably one of the biggest concerns was my white blood cells, which we didn’t understand why they were so low. I felt it was really important to go and get that checked out.
So I’ve called my Doctors just to say that I did go privately to have a look at what was going on.
After I’ve explained my results roughly they actually said OK maybe you do need to be seen by a Doctor, which really did open a lot of doors because the next day I had a blood test and they’ve said we need to go and investigate it further.
Once they referred me to the hospital, they then diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome.
And obviously I felt like that was actually one of my most stressful and anxious times.
I’m quite an anxious person as it is and then knowing that actually, you might not be OK was just another level of anxiety.
So within my DigiCare+ you do also have some counselling sessions included.
It was really nice just to speak to someone and again feel like you are being heard and they are listening to you.
I feel like without that DigiCare+ I would not be able to get to the bottom of my health.
With me having such a great experience with using DigiCare+,
it makes the conversation with my client a lot better because they can really see the value of the benefit.
For more information on Aviva protection products and the wellbeing services available,
visit us online or speak to your financial adviser or your employer.
The annual Health Check and the digital GP services are wellbeing services that are available with the Aviva DigiCare+ app that is accessible with all eligible Aviva Protection products,
and the Aviva DigiCare+ Workplace app that is accessible with Aviva Group Protection products.
The apps and services mentioned are provided by Square Health.
They are non-contractual benefits that Aviva can change or withdraw at any time.
Terms, usage limits and residency restrictions apply.
Transcript for video Individual protection from Aviva
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Individual protection from Aviva
Paying £1.18 billion across 50,631 individual protection claims in 2023.
Behind every number is a story, a unique journey…
Like Iain and Claire, who claimed when their daughter was diagnosed with both Down’s Syndrome and leukemia
Iain Greer and Claire Greer - Critical illness with upgraded children’s benefit customer
Iain says:
"It's an incredible journey we've been on. The financial support we’ve had from having the right type of insurance policy has made all the difference. The whole process from start to finish was fantastic, even to the point where there was two little teddy bears arrived for Maisie and Anna which was just one of those touches to show that someone out there is thinking of you. "
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We’ve sent hundreds of thoughtful gifts to children and their families, hoping to brighten their days
We want to support our customers from day one of their policy.
Aviva DigiCare+ helps our customers to prevent, manage and detect common health issues…
Available on eligible protection products. This is a non-contractual benefit Aviva can change or withdraw at any time. Terms, conditions and a privacy policy can be found within the app. Residency restrictions may apply.
Marlena’s story
Aviva DigiCare+
Annual Health Check
Marlena Kaszuba
Aviva DigiCare+ customer
Marlena says:
" I’ve had a full report come back to me within days which showed me exactly what potentially could be wrong. I feel like without that DigiCare+ I would not be able to get to the bottom of my health."
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Aviva DigiCare+ and Aviva DigiCare+ workplace apps
51,050 health checks ordered.
15,621 GP appointments provided.
10,743 mental health consultations made.
Based on data provided by Square Health for the period January – December 2023
We provide expert rehab services for our income protection customers, supporting them with their physical and mental wellbeing.
Early intervention and rehabilitation support services are non-contractual benefits that Aviva can change or remove at any time.
524 new income protection customers provided with rehab.
88% of customers who we provided with rehab support returned to or remained at work.
Based on Aviva’s available rehabilitation data for the period January – December 2023.
Like Mick, who claimed after suffering with chronic back pain.
Income protection claims and rehabilitation support customer
Mick says:
"I couldn't see a way out. So with the medical support and the income support, I was able to find a way out, which I don't think I would have had if I hadn't have at that policy. So yeah, it was life saving for me."
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Aviva Individual Protection. Going beyond the numbers to help support the people we protect.
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For more information about our protection products, how they work and when they would pay out, please contact your financial adviser.
We assess each claim and whether to offer rehabilitation services on an individual basis.
The Aviva DigiCare+ and the Aviva DigiCare+ Workplace apps and services, early intervention and rehabilitation services are not insurance products and are not authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited. Registered in England No.3252947. Registered Office: Aviva, Wellington Row, York. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 185896. Member of the Association of British Insurers.
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Underwriting centre
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How we make a positive difference for you and your clients.
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