Global Treatment

It could make the world of difference to your clients

Offering your clients more choice

If one of your clients or their children were to become seriously ill, they'd want the option to be treated at the best hospitals in the world, by the leading medical experts for their condition. That's what Global Treatment offers.

£3 per month

Available as an add-on for £3 to Critical Illness+, Life Insurance+ and our income protection products

Power of choice

With access to treatment from around the world and options that can work alongside UK based treatment, your clients are in control of their choices

End-to-end service

Taking away the worry of organisation and admin throughout the entire consultation and treatment process

A valuable addition

Global Treatment is a valuable addition to protection cover which provides your clients with access to international facilities, doctors and treatments from all over the world

Product details

Why Global Treatment?

  • Global Treatment provides clients with access to international facilities, doctors and treatment all over the world.
  • Having access to medical experts and treatment globally could make a difference to clients’ outcomes.
  • Global Treatment gives clients the option to pursue recommended treatments without having to worry about arranging and paying for treatment, travel and accommodation.
  • Global Treatment is provided in conjunction with Further. It is available as an optional extra with Life Insurance+, Critical Illness+, Income Protection+ and Living Costs Protection for an additional £3 per month.
  • Global Treatment is only available via you, the Adviser.
  • If subsequent trips abroad are required for follow-up treatment, these are also covered by the plan (up to policy limits).

How it works

The process takes away the worry of organisation and admin throughout the entire consultation and treatment process. So your clients can focus on getting better.

  1. After diagnosis our trusted partner, Further, assigns a dedicated nurse case manager and customer care team. 
  2. The care team then identify treatment centres to refer your client’s case to, where doctors will consult and provide them with treatment options.
  3. Your clients will be able to review options and choose the treatment and location to suit them. 
  4. The care team pays for and organises hospital admission, including travel and 3-4 star accommodation for your client and a companion. 
  5. Upon return to the UK, the plan will cover ongoing medication costs up to £50,000 if they aren’t covered by the NHS.

Global Treatment covers the life assured and their eligible children for up to £1 million of cover per year up to a maximum of £2 million during the policy term.

Please note that this benefit renews every three years, which means your client's premium may change at each renewal point.

For full terms and details please see our technical guide. Please also see the policy summary and conditions.


Global Treatment is available as an optional benefit at an additional premium to Critical Illness+, Life Insurance+ and our income protection products.

Who is covered?

The life assured and their eligible children (up to age 18, or 21 if in full time education) will be covered for overseas treatment.

Hospital admission, travel and accommodation is covered for the patient plus a companion.

If a child is ill, Global Treatment will pay expenses for both parents, or a parent plus a companion.

Which treatments are covered? 

  • Cancer treatment
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Heart valve replacement or repair
  • Neurosurgery
  • Live-donor organ transplants
  • Bone marrow transplants.

For full terms and details please see our technical guide. Please also see the policy summary and conditions.

Making a claim

To make a claim, your client can call us on 0345 030 8071* and select the option to start a Global Treatment claim. 

Their call will be transferred to Further, who will evaluate and process the claim and provide them with any options for overseas treatment.

Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.

*The costs of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your client's network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. Calls from outside the UK may be charged at international rates.

Global Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

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