Our ESG Profiler and ESG Sandbox tools are available on our retail adviser platform.

The ESG Profiler tool helps you record a client's ESG preferences, demonstrate the sustainability metrics of their investments on our platform and create tailored client reporting.

Our ESG Sandbox tool helps you research the sustainability metrics of different investment solutions and demonstrate them to prospective customers without having to set them up as clients on our platform first.

Take a look at our ESG profiler video walkthrough.

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Transcript  for video Introdution to the Aviva Platform ESG tool

You can access all areas of the toolkit from the landing page.

It is important that you refer to the reference guide available here. This details the data limitations,

methodology and assessment criteria used.

To select client preferences, navigate to the top-right of the screen.

You can select up to four preferences. They will be saved against the client and can be amended at

any time.

To view a one-page detail of the client’s preferences click the Preferences tab

This screen shows how their portfolio compares and includes a RAG rating and key metrics relevant to the ESG theme.

From here, you can also access a more detailed review of each theme.

Overview of the selected preference including relevant key metrics.

Each page also includes a holding-by-holding breakdown. You will also see any warning flags based on the underlying ESG data available.

By selecting the Holdings tab, you can access a holding-by-holding review of each of the ESG themes.

You can toggle between a detailed view or a comparison view of the holdings table.

The detailed view shows key facts about the holding.

The comparison view shows a RAG rating and how they compare against a default target or the MSCI World All Companies Index.

Selecting the Companies tab will show you a company-by-company review against the range of ESG themes.

You can toggle between a detailed view or comparison view.

By clicking on each company, you can find out more about the details that contribute to the overall ratings.

From a holding or company page, you can access a detailed view of any company your client is invested in and adjust their preferences.

Table breaking down the company against the ESG preferences of your client, including the relevant metrics.

It is possible to adjust your client’s preferences on this page too.

MMA award

Useful ESG guides

Guide to the Aviva Platform ESG Profiler



Aviva Guide to ESG Sandbox