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ESG rating
Fund ESG ratings
What it means
The companies that the fund invests in tend to show strong and/or improving management of financially relevant environmental, social and governance issues. These companies may be more resilient to disruptions arising from ESG events.
The fund invests in companies that tend to show average management of ESG issues, or in a mix of companies with both above-average and below-average ESG risk management.
The fund is exposed to companies that do not demonstrate adequate management of the ESG risks that they face or show worsening management of these issues. These companies may be more vulnerable to disruptions arising from ESG events.
Weighted Carbon Intensity
The Weighted Average Carbon Intensity measures a fund's exposure to carbon intensive companies. The figure is sum of security weight (normalized) multiplied by the security Carbon Intensity.
Board Diversity
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies where women comprise at least 30% of the board of directors.
Green Revenue
A portfolio’s exposure to Environmental Impact is the portfolio weighted average of each company’s percent of revenue generated by Environmental Impact goods and services. Additionally, Environmental Impact revenue from companies with negative externalities is excluded. Negative externalities refer to very severe and severe ESG controversies, ESG Ratings of CCC and B, direct involvement in predatory lending, involvement in controversial weapons, more than 5% revenue from conventional weapons or firearms, and more than 10% revenue from alcohol or tobacco production.
Brown Revenue
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies that own fossil fuel reserves.
Positive filters
When selecting a positive filter the investment centre will return the top 10% of funds invested in this area.
Sustainable Water
A portfolio’s exposure to Sustainable Water is the portfolio weighted average of each company’s percent of revenue generated by Sustainable Water goods and services. Additionally, Sustainable Water revenue from companies with negative externalities is excluded. Negative externalities refer to very severe and severe ESG controversies, ESG Ratings of CCC and B, direct involvement in predatory lending, involvement in controversial weapons, more than 5% revenue from conventional weapons or firearms, and more than 10% revenue from alcohol or tobacco production.
Human Rights Policy
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies flagged as "Yes" if the company has defined processes, set targets or reports achievements for monitoring the effectiveness of its human rights policy. The full weight of each flagged company is included in the calculation.
Pollution Prevention
A portfolio’s exposure to Pollution Prevention is the portfolio weighted average of each company’s percent of revenue generated by Pollution Prevention goods and services. Additionally, Pollution Prevention revenue from companies with negative externalities is excluded. Negative externalities refer to very severe and severe ESG controversies, ESG Ratings of CCC and B, direct involvement in predatory lending, involvement in controversial weapons, more than 5% revenue from conventional weapons or firearms, and more than 10% revenue from alcohol or tobacco production.
Sustainable Agriculture
The percentage of fund’s market values exposed to companies that generate revenue from agricultural goods produced using certified sustainable or organic practices.
Renewable Energy
A portfolio’s exposure to Alternative Energy is the portfolio weighted average of each company’s percent of revenue generated by Alternative Energy goods and services. Additionally, Alternative Energy revenue from companies with negative externalities is excluded. Negative externalities refer to very severe and severe ESG controversies, ESG Ratings of CCC and B, direct involvement in predatory lending, involvement in controversial weapons, more than 5% revenue from conventional weapons or firearms, and more than 10% revenue from alcohol or tobacco production.
Negative filters
When selecting a negative filter funds who have any holdings flagged as involved will be removed from the list.
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies flagged for involvement in alcohol according to our Highly Restrictive screen definition. This includes all alcohol producers as well as alcohol distributors, suppliers, and retailers if the combined revenue is => 5%. The full weight of each flagged company is included in the calculation.
Animal Welfare
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies flagged for involvement in animal welfare according to our Highly Restrictive screen definition. This includes animal testing, factory farming, exhibiting animals, and breeding animals. The full weight of each flagged company is included in the calculation.
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies flagged for involvement in gambling according to our Highly Restrictive screen definition. This includes all gambling facility operators as well as support products & services if the revenue is => 5%. The full weight of each flagged company is included in the calculation.
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies flagged for involvement in tobacco according to our Highly Restrictive screen definition. This includes all tobacco producers as well as tobacco distributors, suppliers, and retailers if the combined revenue is => 5%. The full weight of each flagged company is included in the calculation.
Adult Entertainment
The percentage of portfolio's market value exposed to companies flagged for involvement in adult entertainment according to our Highly Restrictive screen definition This includes all adult entertainment producers as well as adult entertainment distributors and retailers if the total revenue is => 5%. The full weight of each flagged company is included in the calculation.