Supporting your clients in their investment decisions
If your client decides to take Income Drawdown as their retirement option, it is important to consider where to invest any money remaining in their Drawdown account.
Our Investment Pathways offer an easy solution. Based on your client’s retirement plans, each option comes with its own investment fund which is connected to a particular plan.
If retirement plans change, you can switch your clients to a more suitable Pathway.
Your four Investment Pathway options
Funds are rated in terms of volatility, from 1 – very low, to 7 – very high.
An Independent Governance Committee will assess and challenge Aviva to make sure our Investment Pathways offer value for money.
The value of an investment can go down as well as up and investors could get less than they originally invested.
Please refer to the table of options below
Option | Description | Fund details |
1 | Your client has no plans to touch their money in the next five years | Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 1 – risk level 3 out of 7 Find out more about this fund by clicking here. |
2 | Your client plans to set up an annuity within the next five years | Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 2 – risk level 4 out of 7 Find out more about this fund by clicking here. |
3 | Your client intends to start taking money as a variable income within the next five years | Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 3 – risk level 3 out of 7 Find out more about this fund by clicking here. |
4 | Your client plans to withdraw all their money within the next five years | Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 4 – risk level 2 out of 7 Find out more about this fund by clicking here. |
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