These articles relate to Aviva's protection product lines. To assist with client conversations for protection planning.
Freeing people from the fear of uncertainty
Air crashes, acts of terrorism and other events causing mass fatalities are those which all to regularly propel 24 hour news coverage into the homes of your clients.
Benefits of Placing Life Assurance Under Trust
In this article we will look at an example of someone taking out a new term assurance policy, the advantages and implications of using a trust, and how to set it up.
Life assurance for inheritance tax planning
The introduction of the transferrable nil rate band in 2007 resulted in a drop in IHT (inheritence tax) receipts for HMRC in 2008/09 and 2009/10. In 2019-20 IHT receipts were £5.2 billion*.
Life assurance for couples
Where couples are looking to set up term assurance policies, the fundamental choice is between a joint life policy, payable on the first death or two single life policies.
Divorce – Managing life changes - Protection solutions using a trust
When a couple are divorcing it is often necessary to attempt a reconstruction of the couple’s finances in two (potentially unequal) parts. This will be made more complicated if there are young children involved.
The Role of Trustees
CPD learning objectives are: To explain why a life assurance policy should be written under trust. To explain the role of a trustee of a simple life assurance policy.