Protection Direct Debit calculator

Helping you calculate when your client’s Direct Debits may be collected for their new protection policy.

Important points

  • This calculator is for adviser use only.
  • The output is purely for illustrative purposes and is based on the information and figures you provide. Aviva accepts no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or inconsistencies in the output or for any decisions or actions taken as a result.
  • This calculator is for setting up Direct Debits on new policies only and should not be used for existing business.
  • If the collection day falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, the collection will take place on the next working day.

Direct Debit calculator

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This will be the date the policy start date is entered into ALPS.

Please enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy

The date on which the protection cover commences, which could be a date in the future.

Please enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy

The day of the month on which the direct debit is to be collected; this day is chosen by the premium payer and must be between 1 and 28.