Workplace pensions

Helping you support your clients

As a leading UK pension provider, we can provide you and your clients with the right solution for their workplace pension. We have solutions for all size and types of businesses, with a range of benefits for your clients and their employees.

Our workplace pension products

Contract pensions

The easy-to-use option, ticking all the boxes for a workplace pension. Whether your client's business is small or large, our contract pensions have been designed to help employees save for retirement.

See our contract pensions

Trust-based schemes

We offer a number of trust-based pension schemes including: Own Rules Trust, Section 32, Group Additional Voluntary Contribution and the Aviva Master Trust.

See our trust pensions

Set up or transfer a client’s pension scheme

Why choose an Aviva Workplace Pension?

Providing an exceptional workplace pension

  • Expert teams, pioneering tools, tailored support for you, your clients, and scheme members.
  • Integrated pension and savings solutions.
  • Full range of pension freedom options.
  • UK-based helpdesk with Live Chat.

Engaging, educating, and empowering members

  • Digital app experiences that allow customers to check their policies, make transfers, and access a range of financial calculators and tools to help plan for the future.
  • Financial education seminars covering a range of topics, helping members improve their financial knowledge and confidence.
  • Inspiring pension engagement campaigns managed via you, your employer, or sent via Aviva.

Our promise to you

  • Expert implementation support.
  • Ongoing relationship management.
  • Easy-to-manage contribution and new joiner processes.
  • Secure access for your clients to view, manage, and transact billing activities for their pension scheme.
  • Dedicated UK administration team.

Investment solutions

  • Appropriate default investment solutions for members, regularly reviewed in reaction to market challenges. 
  • Alternative lifestyle options with annuity, cash, and drawdown options. 
  • Wide range of self-select fund options. 
  • Environmental, social and governance factors are integrated across our default funds.

Support for you and your business

Our aim is to support your business and your clients. We break down below how we can work together to help support your business, your clients and their employees.

Document Library

Support materials for all of our products are hosted in our document library -including useful forms to help you manage your clients' pension schemes.

Support for your clients

We're here to help you meet your clients' and their employees' needs. Below is useful information collated for clients from the most searched for items on our websites.

Auto enrolment contributions

An overview of employer and employee pension contribution levels for auto enrolment.

Employee opting out

An overview of how the opt-out process works for employers and employees.

Tax relief in auto enrolment

Tax relief is one of the major benefits of savings into a pension. Here's an overview for your clients.

A guide to re-enrolment

Re-enrolment in five steps.

Workplace pension and payroll

Our workplace pension works with all types of payroll software.

Auto enrolment explained

We've got all the information your clients need to get up and running with their workplace pension scheme.

Supporting scheme members

See our member offering bought to life:

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Transcript  for video Welcome to your new Aviva Workplace Pension

Welcome to your new Aviva Workplace Pension.

This video is all about your new pension plan and your journey to Retirement.

We’re an award-winning provider with more than three million members and 300 years’ experience, so you can trust that we know pensions inside out.

A big reason for this recognition is the quality of the support we offer for our members.

So, from the moment you start your retirement journey with us, here’s some of the things you can expect…

When you start your journey you’ll need some support. You’ll soon receive your member booklets where you can find out more about your Aviva workplace pension scheme.

Keep an eye out for your welcome pack, explaining how you can check your pension and access the support you need.

It can be hard to see if you’re on the right road towards the retirement you want, so we’ll give you access to useful videos, online tools and easy-to-read information –, so, no matter how far you are from your retirement, we can help you prepare.

Don’t worry about losing your way, we’ll be in touch with reminders and support throughout your journey.

So, you’ll get lots of help.

But you’re still in the driving seat, because we’ve made it easy for you to take control of your pension yourself.

Once your new pension is up and running, you’ll be able to register for our safe, secure, online account.

Here you can view your pension’s value quickly and easily.

You’ll also be able to…

Make changes to your personal details.

Set your preferences so you get your pension information in a way that’s right for you…

Check the amount you’re paying in, how your money is being invested and make one off payments…

Start the process to transfer other pensions to your Aviva pension, if that’s the right decision for you…

And, access our pension planning tools to help and support you along the way…

It pays to keep an eye on the performance of your pension, because the value of your investments can go down as well as up. And, you could get back less than has been paid in….

It’s great to be starting out on our journey together. We’ll be in touch again soon a little further down the road.

A key part of our service is managing the scheme engagement on your behalf, with central sends or scheme-specific communications.

Get in touch with your Aviva contact to discuss employee engagement with your existing Aviva schemes or email

Ready-made engagement campaigns

To help keep your clients' employees engaged with their workplace pension, we've created a suite of campaign materials for you or your clients to issue directly to their employees.

Campaign materials include: nominating a beneficiary, digital registration, pension transfers, options in retirement and more.

Key documents and tools for members

Options at retirement

More pension options are available than ever before for scheme members. This guide presents an overview of options at retirement for employees.

Pension lifetime allowance

This short guide provides an overview of lifetime allowance, which can be a complicated area of pension planning for many individuals with substantial pension pots.

Working abroad

This guide explains the options for UK residents with UK-based pensions who are considering working overseas in the future. You will also find information for non-UK nationals who are working in the UK and intend to return to their country of origin.

Financial education seminars

Specialist financial education seminars helping scheme members improve their financial knowledge and confidence. For existing clients only.

Tools & calculators

Simple tools to help members make sense of retirement.

Managing money

Top tips, guides and expert advice from Aviva for pension scheme members.

Need more help?

If you need help or have any questions, contact us directly by phone or email by visiting our contact us page.