We want to help support your clients and their employees in everyday life, not just at claim. Whether it’s helping them look after their mental health, eat better, be more active or speak to a GP quickly, the wellbeing services accessible through Group Income Protection are there for them, when needed.
Practical and physical support
An annual health MOT to help detect possible health concerns, access to qualified counsellors for help with everyday topics, discounted gym membership, and more.
Emotional support
Access to expert mental health support and counselling when needed, digital tools to help employees spot potential problems before they become more serious, and more.
No 'one size fits all'
Different employees will benefit from different support - that’s why we give them access to a wide range of services offering benefits from day one of cover.
Helping your clients and their workforce live their best lives with Group Income Protection
Alongside the financial and rehabilitation support offered with Group Income Protection, your clients and their employees get access to a suite of wellbeing services to help them cope with life’s curve balls and make informed choices.
These wellbeing services are non-contractual benefits Aviva can change or withdraw at any time. They're available to employees who are permanent residents of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
For your clients and their employees:
Aviva DigiCare+ Workplace
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
Aviva Mental Health Guidance
Get Active lifestyle discounts
Aviva Cancer Care Support
Aviva Wellbeing Library
Red Apple Law legal services
For your clients and key people within the business:
Aviva Line Manager Toolkit: Mental Health
Wellbeing Training
We make accessing and promoting the services easy
Employer Hub
Once insured, employers will have access to the Group Income Protection Employer Hub containing information about the policy and all the wellbeing services available, as well as access to marketing materials to help your clients spread the word among their workforce.
Employee Hub
As well as a hub for your clients, your employees will have access to their own hub, giving them information about the cover and the wellbeing services, including details on how to access each service and where to go for help.
Find out more
If you have any questions about the wellbeing services accessible through Group Income Protection, please get in touch with your Aviva Account Manager, or email our Sales Team at groupprotectionsalessupport@aviva.com.
To apply visit our Group Income Protection page.
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