Our dedicated neurodiversity pathway

The effects and impacts of neurodivergence vary from person to person. Conditions include dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASCs), cognitive functioning difficulties, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other sometimes hidden conditions.

If an employee who has already been diagnosed as neurodivergent is struggling at work and could benefit from support or guidance, there are ways in which we may be able to help.

Referral With the right tools we can all flourish. We can offer support to employees that have been diagnosed with a neurodivergence to help them overcome challenges at work and to perform at their best
Specialist support

If specialist support will help, we’ll provide in-house support or may refer the employee to one of our specilist partners, such as Lexxic , experts in managing neurodiversity in the workplace.

Lexxic can help with:

- access to chartered and occupational psychologists to manage challenges and identify strengths

- strategies and solutions to help employees overcome challenges

- identifying workplace adjustments

- employer and line manager training and coaching to help workplaces better understand neurodiversity and how to support employees


We can signpost to any other suitable support available through our Group Income Protection policy, or other products held by the employee

Mitcham’s story

A decline in Mitcham's mental health meant he was unable to work. He had been living with anxiety since school and was receiving ongoing talking therapy.  During these sessions, his therapist recognised traits of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and looked into this further with Mitcham. He was put on a waiting list with his GP for an official diagnosis.

There was a point where Mitcham was able to return to work. This was when he highlighted some of the challenges he was facing at work, with his employer. Once they were aware, they referred Mitcham to Aviva to see if there was any support available through their Group Income Protection policy. Within three working days an Aviva case manager contacted Mitcham, to understand his needs. He shared information around his high levels of anxiety, mood swings and stress.

Mitcham recognised that during school he experienced challenges concentrating and would get easily distracted. This had continued into his adult life, presenting challenges both inside and outside of work. He was constantly overthinking. On top of this, Mitcham had been successful in getting a new role, but was experiencing challenges with organising and prioritising his work, and managing his time effectively. All symptoms which could be linked to his potential ADHD.

Mitcham had been receiving talking therapy for 18 months. This had helped with his anxiety, but he wanted to explore tools to help him thrive in the workplace.

Following the initial call, we offered Mitcham a referral to our specialist neurodiversity partners, Lexxic. They undertook a workplace needs assessment to identify what reasonable adjustments could be put in place to support him at work.

The assessment identified that he might benefit from further one-to-one coaching and e-learning courses to help him understand his neurodifference and learn new ways of working. A wide range of bespoke recommendations were made, tailored to Mitcham's individual needs, along with assistive technology and equipment recommendations. Specific e-learning modules were also made available to his Line Manager to help educate them in ways to support Mitcham and other neurodivergent employees. Aviva also supported Mitcham with personal coaching sessions, provided by Lexxic, which continued over the course of five months.

Thanks to the support provide by Aviva and Lexxic, a year after his initial referral, Micham has successfully remained at work, full time, and is able to complete his full duties.

 "This support has definitely helped me, and I would recommend it to anyone. I found the assessment really useful as I felt the person completing the assessment really listened to me and I felt instantly better off the back of the initial call. I felt that the person at Lexxic understood what I was experiencing. I completed coaching sessions and again found them beneficial. I had a good connection with the person at Lexxic and turns out some of the experiences I had they also experienced themselves which really helped me. they provided me with different tools and helped me reframe how I was thinking. I can now reflect on the tools provided and they help me not feel as overwhelmed." 

Mitcham Brown, Manufacturing Engineer, age 28 at time of intervention