Transcript for video Iain's story - critical illness with upgraded children's benefit
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Transcript for video Emma's story - critical illness claim
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Transcript for video Pam's story - Critical illness claim
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Transcript for video Emma's story - critical illness claim
Emma: I went for the results, and the consultant’s first words when I sat down in the office were, “I’m really sorry. It’s not good news.”
Emma: I'm Emma, I'm a children's nurse. I’m currently working in education. I have grown-up children 23 and 25, and I'm currently undergoing treatments for lobular breast cancer.
Emma: I had some lumps in my breast. I had an operation to remove what they thought was three fibroadenomas. They'd removed the fibroadenomas, but they'd found invasive lobular carcinoma.
Emma: That was a big shock because I really wasn't expecting that. My second operation was planned. It was quite an extensive operation, but unfortunately, when I got the results of that one, they'd found five different tumours, quite a lot more cancer than they had expected. They'd also found that it was in my sentinel lymph nodes. I had to have a mastectomy and they checked some more lymph nodes, again, not expecting them to be positive, but there were a couple that were positive.
Emma: I started chemo, and then I'll still need some radiotherapy and I’ll need some hormone therapy, probably more long-term. This was all quite a lot because originally, I was told I'd need about eight weeks off work. I looked at my critical illness insurance. Your head is in a spin with everything going on, but that was the one thing that looked positive.
Emma: There's not very many positives about being diagnosed with breast cancer, and there's so many worries that you have, but actually, this was something that I could do actively. The claim process was really easy. When the claim was paid, it was a lot of relief. I was very lucky, and I get good sick benefit, I get six months full pay, six months half pay, but I realized that I would probably be going to half pay. And actually, having my mortgage paid was a complete relief.
Emma: Chronic illnesses take a long time. You need the cover, to cover you while you're ill. It's an expense you can't afford not to take. But I'm just so grateful that we bought that policy.
Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum and is designed to help support you and your family financially.
It’s there to help you focus on your recovery without worrying about how the bills will be paid.
You can choose how long you want the policy to last and the amount of money you’re covered for.
Your financial adviser can explain how Aviva’s critical illness works and when it would pay out.
Transcript for video Iain's story - critical illness with upgraded children's benefit
Iain: My name is Iain Greer, and this is my wife, Claire Greer.
Claire: And we've got two daughters. We've got Maisie who’s four and a half, and we've got Anna, who's just over two.
Iain: So in 2020, we decided to buy a new home.
Iain: So we actually got the keys of our property the day of lockdown about a month after that, we discovered that Claire was pregnant and that we would be due in December 2020. At that time, we went through all the normal tests, but all the tests showed Anna is going to be a perfectly healthy child. When she was born, a few days later she was diagnosed with Trisomy 21, which is also known as Down Syndrome.
Iain: We started a claim with Aviva and to make sure we knew that it was covered, which thankfully it was under the upgraded children's benefit. So with Nikki they looked after us from start to finish with the whole process. There was always someone at the end of a phone call if we needed her. She was sending emails, just updating exactly where we were with medical records, what were still outstanding. To get that phone call to say that the claim was accepted and that Aviva would be covering Anna’s Down Syndrome diagnosis was absolutely incredible. One of the regrets we do have with it with Claire's plan, we didn't include the upgraded children's critical illness benefit. There is saying the most expensive insurance is the one that you don't take and there's never been a truer word.
Iain: Four months into Anna being born Anna was then diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia as well. So it was a double blow to us.
Claire: When we realized that Anna had to go into hospital for treatment it was a huge shock. I was still on MAT leave at the beginning of it and Iain was running the business. So even just one of us had to be with Anna for 24 hours a day, while the other person had to be at home with Maisie.
Iain: We witnessed a lot of things, the pain that she had experienced, but understanding that she's got to go through this pain to feel better. And the treatment was really intense. We were really grateful for the first pay out that we received from Aviva for Anna’s Down Syndrome diagnosis. We generally didn't expect to need to go back again, but thankfully with two individual plans, we're both able to put in two separate claims, one for myself and one for Claire, which was again dealt with at the same time. You know.
So to be able to piggyback both claims, get the same information from the doctors, we were kept really well updated from Aviva the whole way through the process to know, look, we're here, this is all we’re needing once her illnesses confirmed, we'll get that off to see if it's something we can help with. And thankfully they did, we were able to get the hospitalisation benefit included as well, which was the additional hundred pounds a night, which really helped with us.
And, you know, for the 30 days pay out, quite a significant piece of money that was able to help support us while covering fuel costs and additional things that we had to pay out for while living in the hospital. The whole process from start to finish was fantastic, even to the point where there was two little teddy bears arrived for Maisie and Anna which was just one of those touches to show that someone out there is thinking of you.
Claire: That’s a lovely thought, something that was definitely not expected from an insurance company that you would think that it's, you know, think of something for young kids.
Iain: You think it's such a small detail, but in actual fact, it has a huge impact. So with the pay out that we received, we've actually invested that for Anna's future. It's going to be money that she's going to need to be able to help support her life as it goes on.
Claire: Knowing that if Anna does need something. It could be equipment or we just need to buy in anything that's a bit kind of more substantial money wise, we’ve got that to fall back on.
Iain: So after seven months of living in hospital, we got out and having that final walk through the hospital where she was able to ring a bell and all the nurses and doctors lined up something that I'll remember forever. And so now Anna is two and a half and the best way to describe her is a wee cracker. She is an absolute bundle of energy, lights up a room when everyone's in there and she's got the cutest wee face you could imagine. We actually got the news two days ago that Anna is now cancer free. So it's a huge relief for us as a family.
Iain: It's an incredible journey we've been on. We've had a lot of support from friends and family as well. But again, the financial support we’ve had from having the right type of insurance policy has made all the difference. Her whole world is turned completely upside down. Money should be the last thing anyone needs to worry about. Whenever that’s happening, you’re like how is a mortgage getting paid, how we're going to fund food, you know, is there private treatment or private physiotherapy or things that we can use to help make Anna’s life better. Having that lump sum payment now that we've got for her allows us to be able to help plan around her future and hopefully give her things that she wouldn't be able to have, had we not had the money to do so.
Helps your clients focus on their health, rather than their finances
Critical illness+ can flex to fit your customer’s needs and budget. Choose how much cover they need, how long it will last and how it’s paid. Upgrade or add cover for even more protection.
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Children's cover
Children's cover included
Standard cover - pay to add extras
Includes Aviva DigiCare+
Aviva DigiCare+ is an app linking to services which help prevent, detect and manage health issues
Product details
Choosing Critical Illness+?
- Flexibility - get the right cover for your client
- You can count on us - in 2023 we paid out 91.6% of critical illness claims - paying £362m
- Speed - we'll focus on paying claims quickly so your client can focus on recovery
- We want to help your clients stay healthier - the Aviva DigiCare+ app helps your clients look after their health and wellbeing
- Complete cover that's simple to understand - use our What is protection? video as a starting point
- Financial peace of mind - your clients can focus on themselves without worrying about money
What you get
This is a summary of what’s available with Critical Illness+. For full terms and details, please see the policy summary or policy conditions.
Always included
Upgraded cover at extra cost
Pay extra for these benefits
Additional benefit
Making a claim
From filling out paperwork to answering questions about funeral arrangements, we aim to make a difficult time a little easier.
To make a claim, your clients can call the team on:
Calls may be monitored and/or recorded.
If online is easier they can fill in an online form telling us they need to make a claim.
Check out our track record
Visit our claims hub for details of the claims we've paid and the great work we do to support your clients when they need us most.
Quote, apply and track cases online
Visit ALPSOptional benefits
All available at an additional cost

Global Treatment
Global Treatment could give your clients the power of choice and make overseas treatment possible at a time when they'll want to explore all the options.

Fracture Cover
Pays a one-off sum if your client suffers from one of 18 specified fractures during a 12 month period.

Extra care cover
An additional £50,000 when critical illness has a prolonged, life changing impact.
Business support
Doing protection business just got easier
Online services
Underwriting centre
Claims hub
Protection support
Macmillan Cancer Support
Tools & calculators
Aviva DigiCare+
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