Our new online quote, apply and new business tracking system for equity release is here and ready to use. To help you get the most out of our system, we've put together handy 'how to' videos and articles to help guide you through some of the most common processes.
'How to' videos
A useful selection of videos on topics such as how to quote, apply, amend quotes and upload key documents onto our new system.
Transcript for video How to quote on the online for equity release
No transcript available
Transcript for video How to apply on the online for equity release
No transcript available
Articles, Topics and FAQs
Online additional borrowing for equity release is here
Our online equity release platform now allows you to quote, download an illustration (KFI), apply and track applications for additional borrowing
Process for online Additional borrowing digital services
Your guide on how to use the new digital service
Additional borrowing - letters of authority and moving property
Key points to note when it comes to additional borrowing when you have a letter of authority or a moving property application
How to apply for an Aviva to Aviva rebroke/switch
You can now submit applications through our online platform in just three easy steps.
Your Equity Release online experience
Continuous improvements are being made to enhance the digital capability of the platform
How to track new equity release business cases
Keep track of your new business initial borrowing application from submission to completion.
Our support contact information
Equity release adviser support
What you need to know about the Consumer Duty Target Market for equity release
Digital re-broking service coming soon.
When to expect email notifications from us
Equity release - the different types of emails you may receive, why they are sent and when to expect them.
Vulnerable customers
Equity release - Identifying a customer at application stage with a vulnerability who may require additional support.
How our online medical declarations and consents work
More information on equity release medical declarations and consents.
How to register to access our new Equity Release digital platform
A step by step guide to register to use the Equity Release digital services.
How to keep track of new business valuations
A step by step guide to how you can keep track of new business valuations.
Useful documents
PDF (2.3 MB)
Also available in online services
Online services overview
Find out about the online services we offer and get links to the support you need.
Getting started
If you are new to the site, you can see an overview of the online services we offer, and find out how to get started.
Back office and third party support
Find out more about our pre-sale tools, supported back office suppliers and 3rd party portals.