With-Profits Fund

An Aviva with-profits investment aims to provide steady capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in a broad range of assets, while smoothing out some of the fluctuations of investment markets. It offers the possibility of higher returns than your client may get from an average savings account with a bank or building society. 

The With-Profits customer website offers comprehensive information and guides to our with-profits funds.

What is with-profits?

An Aviva with-profits investment is a low to medium risk investment that has the advantage of pooling a customer’s money with that of other investors, so they can benefit from investing in a wider spread of assets.

With this type of investment, the returns earned by the fund are shared out through a system of bonuses using a process called ‘smoothing’. You can find more information about 'how with-profits work'. 

We choose a mix of assets (including equities, property, corporate bonds, gilts, cash and cash alternatives), which may vary over time. We do this with the aim of achieving balanced returns.

The value of a with-profits investment can go down as well as up. A customer may not get back the amount invested.

Fund performance

To view performance information and other details about specific With-Profits Funds please visit our Investment Centre.

Bonus announcements

Bonus announcement and fund news

Bonus rates are regularly reviewed and may change at any time. Future bonuses can't be guaranteed as they come from profits that have not yet been earned.  

Visit our bonus announcement pages


End of Year FAQs

Mid Year FAQs

Useful information

You can view the impact of the bonus rates on your client's policy by using the online valuation service, or by calling our Adviser Helpdesk on 0800 015 5064.

This online service is not available for ex-Friends Life policies.


For information on ex-Friends Life policies you can call the dedicated team.